This is most easily encountered verifying a release candidate, which uses an ephemeral vagrant environment. It looks like so:
... + aurora update resume devcluster/vagrant/test/http_example Update has been resumed. + assert_update_state devcluster/vagrant/test/http_example ROLLING_FORWARD + local _jobkey=devcluster/vagrant/test/http_example _expected_state=ROLLING_FORWARD ++ aurora update list devcluster/vagrant/test/http_example --status active ++ tail -n +2 ++ awk '{print $3}' + local _state=ROLLING_FORWARD + [[ ROLLING_FORWARD != ROLLING_FORWARD ]] + aurora update wait devcluster/vagrant/test/http_example 038b60d2-6eed-48fe-9229-31ffe33c022d Current state ROLLING_FORWARD Current state ROLLED_FORWARD ++ awk '{print $NF}' ++ aurora update info devcluster/vagrant/test/http_example 038b60d2-6eed-48fe-9229-31ffe33c022d ++ grep 'Current status' + local status=ROLLED_FORWARD + [[ ROLLED_FORWARD != \R\O\L\L\E\D\_\F\O\R\W\A\R\D ]] + test_announce vagrant test http_example + local _role=vagrant _env=test _job=http_example + local retcode=0 + env SERVERSET=/aurora/vagrant/test/http_example PEX_INTERPRETER=1 aurora /vagrant/src/test/sh/org/apache/aurora/e2e/ Announced members: [u'member_0000000010', u'member_0000000011', u'member_0000000009'] Announced members: [u'member_0000000011', u'member_0000000009'] Announced members: [u'member_0000000011', u'member_0000000009', u'member_0000000012'] + retcode=1 + [[ 1 = 1 ]] + echo 'Validated announced job.' Validated announced job. + return 0 + test_run devcluster/vagrant/test/http_example + local _jobkey=devcluster/vagrant/test/http_example + local _ssh_key=/home/vagrant/.ssh/id_rsa + rm -f '/home/vagrant/.ssh/id_rsa*' + ssh-keygen -t rsa -N '' -f /home/vagrant/.ssh/id_rsa Generating public/private rsa key pair. Your identification has been saved in /home/vagrant/.ssh/id_rsa. Your public key has been saved in /home/vagrant/.ssh/ The key fingerprint is: d7:54:ba:a5:44:8d:77:17:b4:0f:71:5b:d0:b0:1e:83 vagrant@aurora.local The key's randomart image is: +--[ RSA 2048]----+ | .o**+| | ..+o+B| | E.*+.| | + = +.| | S . + . .| | . | | | | | | | +-----------------+ + cat /home/vagrant/.ssh/ ++ aurora task run devcluster/vagrant/test/http_example ls ++ uniq -c ++ awk '{print $2}' ++ sort vagrant@'s password: vagrant@'s password: vagrant@'s password: + sandbox_contents=' 3' + echo ' 3' 3 + [[ 3 = \ \ \ \ \ \ \3\ \h\t\t\p\_\e\x\a\m\p\l\e\.\p\y ]] + test_kill devcluster/vagrant/test/http_example + local _jobkey=devcluster/vagrant/test/http_example + aurora job kill devcluster/vagrant/test/http_example/1 INFO] Killing tasks for job: devcluster/vagrant/test/http_example INFO] Instances to be killed: [1] Successfully killed instances [1] Job kill succeeded + aurora job killall devcluster/vagrant/test/http_example ...
Here, the password vagrant was entered 3x manually to get the test to proceed.