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  1. Axis2
  2. AXIS2-5268

NB 7.1.1 does not generate proper build-impl.xml for JAX-WS projects



    • Improvement
    • Status: Open
    • Minor
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • 1.6.1
    • None
    • samples, build,site
    • Vista / SP1 / Axis2-1.6.1 / NB 7.1.1 / GF 3.1.2 / Rampart-1.6.1 / mvn 3.0.5-snapshot / Java (any version)


      On NB 7.1.1 with GF3.1.2 and Java (any version) I run into the following problem.

      I followed the NB flower album service trail. I've built the JAX-WS service, and it deployed well in GF; but callin the test page fails. The cause was that no class bytecode was compiled. The sub reason was that build-impl.xml did not have the proper conditional statements for src code and test code setup; they are somewhat empty. To know is that this build-impl.xml file gets generated.

      I found the reason that this happens when the engaed java (anyversion) has a /jre/lib/endorsed part with jars as requested to build an use apache rampart for saml. To get succesfull rampart samel test during build you need resolver-2.9.1.jar, serializer-2.9.1.jar, xalan-2.7.1.jar, xercesImpl-2.9.1.jar, xml-apis-2.9.1.jar at this place; renaming the endorsed directory to not_endorsed cured the problem.

      I suggest to either fix the issue or bespook it with apache rampart and NetBeans developers.
      The requirement for the endorsed directory and its content can be found at the rampart binary distribution in the README.

      If you forget to not_endorse Axis2-1.6.1 and maybe newer version have a problem when it comes to build axis2-1.6.1 with mvn install.
      That is the reason why I would have your attention to this problem which affects not only Axis2 or NB when setups are wrong but Rampart builds the other way arround.

      So we have two products which can not use the endorsed dir and one product which does not build without it; who will sort this out for the rest of the world?





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