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  1. Commons BCEL
  2. BCEL-283

Support for StackMap should be different from StackMapTable



    • Bug
    • Status: Closed
    • Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • None
    • 6.1
    • None
    • None


      It turns out we made a mistake with the StackMap renaming changes. I ran into a problem decoding some old .class files and went back to the Java Specification Requests (JSRs) to try and understand the history of the StackMap attribute. While I was not able to get the complete story, I have a pretty good guess at what happened and it does explain the problem I have seen.

      The official introduction of StackMaps appears to be JSR 202 from (approx.) Sept. 2006 and it is part of JDK6 (see attached spec) . However, StackMaps were originally proposed much earlier (approx.) March 2002 - see the attached verifier spec. It appears there were some implementations of this earlier specification - the ASM tool was one and there may be others.

      The key differences are:
      Typechecker Spec: StackMap attribute with fixed format and no frame type byte
      JDK 6 Spec: StackMapTable attribute with variable format including a frame type byte.

      The JVM and the javap tool support BOTH formats. BCEL recognizes both attribute names, but treats them the same, as JDK6 version.

      I don't think the changes will be too difficult. I will create a proposed fix within the next few days.


        1. ClassFileCMP-SE6.0.pdf
          1.06 MB
          Mark Roberts
        2. Attribute.diff
          2 kB
          Mark Roberts
        3. Appendix1-verifier.pdf
          507 kB
          Mark Roberts



            britter Benedikt Ritter
            markro Mark Roberts
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