This bug is not deterministic because of Google BigQuery API, but let me try to describe the problem, as we were hunting down this for whole 2 days.
So imagine that you have one dataset with table XYZ. You added to that dataset Authorized View that is referencing table in project that you don't have access to. Only via Authorized View you can query that table.
Unfortunately when executing method
To determine location where to write temp_dataset:
referenced_tables = response.statistics.query.referencedTables
if referenced_tables: # Guards against both non-empty and non-None
table = referenced_tables[0]
location = self.get_table_location( table.projectId, table.datasetId, table.tableId)
The issue with that code is that, referenced_tables, will not reference where view is but it will give you information about underlying table in that authorised view.
So if it would be first in your result (and implementation of get_query_location only cares about first result), you will get permission error, that you cannot retrieve dataset which is correct! User has access to Authorised view, that he can query, but not to underlying table.
Therefore, what should happen, implementation should be changed, to loops through tables until it finds location.
Mainly my point boils down to:
- You can get table, that you don't have access and it's dataset, but you can query it via Authorised Views.
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