Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
When we try to generate a sql after applying AggregateJoinTransposeRule.EXTENDED, the result sql can not run on PostgreSQL, and throws the following exception:
PSQLException: ERROR: numeric field overflow Detail: A field with precision 7, scale 2 must round to an absolute value less than 10^5.
I found that the main reason is that :
the return types of sum may have wrong precision when the type of
its operand is the decimal with precision, for example:
@Test public void testSum() { String query = "select sum(e1.\"store_sales\"), sum(e2.\"store_sales\") from \"sales_fact_dec_1998\" as " + "e1 , \"sales_fact_dec_1998\" as e2 where e1.\"product_id\" = e2.\"product_id\""; String expect = ""; HepProgramBuilder builder = new HepProgramBuilder(); builder.addRuleClass(FilterJoinRule.class); builder.addRuleClass(AggregateProjectMergeRule.class); builder.addRuleClass(AggregateJoinTransposeRule.class); HepPlanner hepPlanner = new HepPlanner(; RuleSet rules = RuleSets.ofList(FilterJoinRule.FILTER_ON_JOIN, FilterJoinRule.JOIN, AggregateProjectMergeRule.INSTANCE, AggregateJoinTransposeRule.EXTENDED); sql(query).withPostgresql().optimize(rules, hepPlanner).ok(expect); }
the result generated sql of the query is :
SELECT SUM(CAST(\"t\".\"EXPR$0\" * \"t0\".\"$f1\" AS DECIMAL(10, 4))), SUM(CAST(\"t\".\"$f2\" * \"t0\".\"EXPR$1\" AS DECIMAL(10, 4))) FROM (SELECT \"product_id\", SUM(\"store_sales\") AS \"EXPR$0\", COUNT(*) AS \"$f2\" FROM \"foodmart\".\"sales_fact_dec_1998\" GROUP BY \"product_id\") AS \"t\" INNER JOIN (SELECT \"product_id\", COUNT(*) AS \"$f1\", SUM(\"store_sales\") AS \"EXPR$1\" FROM \"foodmart\".\"sales_fact_dec_1998\" GROUP BY \"product_id\") AS \"t0\" ON \"t\".\"product_id\" = \"t0\".\"product_id\"
AggregateJoinTransposeRule.EXTENDED generates a Aggregate to sum up the sub-totals:
// Aggregate above to sum up the sub-totals final List<AggregateCall> newAggCalls = new ArrayList<>(); final int groupCount = aggregate.getGroupCount(); final int newLeftWidth = sides.get(0).newInput.getRowType().getFieldCount(); final List<RexNode> projects = new ArrayList<>( rexBuilder.identityProjects(relBuilder.peek().getRowType())); for (Ord<AggregateCall> aggCall : { final SqlAggFunction aggregation = aggCall.e.getAggregation(); final SqlSplittableAggFunction splitter = Objects.requireNonNull( aggregation.unwrap(SqlSplittableAggFunction.class)); final Integer leftSubTotal = sides.get(0).split.get(aggCall.i); final Integer rightSubTotal = sides.get(1).split.get(aggCall.i); newAggCalls.add( splitter.topSplit(rexBuilder, registry(projects), groupCount, relBuilder.peek().getRowType(), aggCall.e, leftSubTotal == null ? -1 : leftSubTotal, rightSubTotal == null ? -1 : rightSubTotal + newLeftWidth)); } public AggregateCall topSplit(RexBuilder rexBuilder, Registry<RexNode> extra, int offset, RelDataType inputRowType, AggregateCall aggregateCall, int leftSubTotal, int rightSubTotal) { final List<RexNode> merges = new ArrayList<>(); final List<RelDataTypeField> fieldList = inputRowType.getFieldList(); if (leftSubTotal >= 0) { final RelDataType type = fieldList.get(leftSubTotal).getType(); merges.add(rexBuilder.makeInputRef(type, leftSubTotal)); } if (rightSubTotal >= 0) { final RelDataType type = fieldList.get(rightSubTotal).getType(); merges.add(rexBuilder.makeInputRef(type, rightSubTotal)); } RexNode node; switch (merges.size()) { case 1: node = merges.get(0); break; case 2: node = rexBuilder.makeCall(SqlStdOperatorTable.MULTIPLY, merges); node = rexBuilder.makeAbstractCast(aggregateCall.type, node); break; default: throw new AssertionError("unexpected count " + merges); } int ordinal = extra.register(node); return AggregateCall.create(getMergeAggFunctionOfTopSplit(), false, false, false, ImmutableList.of(ordinal), -1, aggregateCall.collation, aggregateCall.type,; }
but it use the type of origin sum to generate a cast like
SUM(CAST(\"t\".\"$f2\" * \"t0\".\"EXPR$1\" AS DECIMAL(10, 4)))
ReturnTypes.AGG_SUM simplely use the operand type as its return type:
public static final SqlReturnTypeInference AGG_SUM = opBinding -> { final RelDataTypeFactory typeFactory = opBinding.getTypeFactory(); final RelDataType type = typeFactory.getTypeSystem() .deriveSumType(typeFactory, opBinding.getOperandType(0)); if (opBinding.getGroupCount() == 0 || opBinding.hasFilter()) { return typeFactory.createTypeWithNullability(type, true); } else { return type; } }; @Override public RelDataType deriveSumType(RelDataTypeFactory typeFactory, RelDataType argumentType) { return argumentType; }
So the result of \"t\".\"$f2\" * \"t0\".\"EXPR$1\" may too large to cause overflow
Issue Links
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CALCITE-4609 AggregateRemoveRule throws while handling AVG
- Closed
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