Status: Resolved
Resolution: Fixed
2.17.4, 2.18.0, 2.19.0, 2.20.0, 2.20.1
Same behaviour on : Linux, Windows 7, AIX
Using Intelli-J
Hey guys,
Since camel 2.17.4, our application who made some "ping request" brings a "Pool exhausted" error after 100 trying.
After analysis, since 2.17.4, when camel-netty4 try to connect to a down host, the connection (ChannelFuture) stay in the pool.
Here is the code to show you :
import org.apache.camel.CamelContext; import org.apache.camel.Exchange; import org.apache.camel.builder.RouteBuilder; import org.apache.camel.impl.DefaultCamelContext; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; public class main { public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception { CamelContext context = new DefaultCamelContext(); context.addRoutes(new RouteBuilder() { public void configure() { onException(NoSuchElementException.class).process(exchange -> { System.out.println(exchange.getProperty(Exchange.EXCEPTION_CAUGHT, Exception.class)); }); from("timer://myTimer?period=2000"). setBody() .simple("Trying to connect to localhost:12345") .to("stream:out") .to("netty4:tcp://localhost:12345?producerPoolMaxActive=4"); } }); context.start(); Thread.sleep(8000000); } }
The producerPoolMaxActive is set to 4 to bring the error faster.
The output in 2.17.3 just bellow (all work perfectly)
_Trying to connect to localhost:12345
Trying to connect to localhost:12345
Trying to connect to localhost:12345
Trying to connect to localhost:12345
Trying to connect to localhost:12345
*But in version > 2.17.3, we've got this : *
_Trying to connect to localhost:12345
Trying to connect to localhost:12345
Trying to connect to localhost:12345
Trying to connect to localhost:12345
Trying to connect to localhost:12345
java.util.NoSuchElementException: Pool exhausted
Trying to connect to localhost:12345
java.util.NoSuchElementException: Pool exhausted
Trying to connect to localhost:12345
java.util.NoSuchElementException: Pool exhausted
Trying to connect to localhost:12345
java.util.NoSuchElementException: Pool exhausted
I've made a pull request to fix it.
Thanks for your help !