Steps to reproduce:
1. Create a new camel web project (based on instructions here: ):
mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeGroupId=org.apache.camel.archetypes -DarchetypeArtifactId=camel-archetype-web -DarchetypeVersion=2.9.1 -DarchetypeRepository=
2. Build the new project:
mvn clean install
3. Copy .war file in target/ to tomcat's webapps directory.
4. Reload webapp (easiest way is to touch the .war file)
5. If you are using a profiler, you will see that the permgen space increases on every reload (the previous webapp's classes don't get unloaded)
6. Eventually the webapp container will crash with a permgen out of memory error.
Workaround: restarting the webapp container will reset the permgen space.
Removing the Spring nature of the project makes this go away, so it could be a problem with Spring itself.
This also happens when using Jetty7, so I don't think it is a problem with the container.