According to the documentation:
"The values must be primitives or their counter objects (such as
Integer, Long, Character). The types, String, CharSequence, Date,
BigDecimal and BigInteger are all converted to their toString()
representation. All other types are dropped."
So, it would seem that BigInteger should be toString()ed. However, in
the JmsBinding class, we see the following code:
protected Object getValidJMSHeaderValue(String headerName, Object headerValue) { if (headerValue instanceof String) { return headerValue; } else if (headerValue instanceof Number) { return headerValue; } else if (headerValue instanceof Character) { return headerValue; } else if (headerValue instanceof CharSequence) { return headerValue.toString(); } else if (headerValue instanceof Boolean) { return headerValue; } else if (headerValue instanceof Date) { return headerValue.toString(); } return null; }
Since BigInteger extends Number, it will merely return the instance