Carbondata1.3.1 with Spark2.1.2,after insert into values,SELECT is right.but next day,data of SELECT is null but the line number is right.
create table carbon01(id int,name int,age int,sex int) stored by 'carbondata';
insert into carbon01 values(1,1,1,1);
select * from carbon01;
1 1 1 1
then,i exit spark-sql.
but,next day,
select * from carbon01;
null null null null
.it may not because of time.
after one line turn to null,i insert into again.
insert into carbon01 values(2,2,2,2);
then i select,the result is:
null null null null
2 2 2 2
the log is:
ResultCollectorFactory:[Executor task launch worker for task 1][partition...] Restructure dictionary vector collector is used to scan and collect the data
ResultCollectorFactory:[Executor task launch worker for task 2][partition...] Vector based dictionary collector is used to scan and collect the data
and i follow source code,in task1, tableBlockInfo.getDetailInfo.columnSchemas.get(0).isDimensionColumn=true;
in task2, tableBlockInfo.getDetailInfo.columnSchemas.get(0).isDimensionColumn=false;