When reading from a table at the aforementioned conditions, each read from replica also casues write to the replica.
Confimed in version 2.0.12 & 2.0.13, version 2.1.3 seems ok.
To reproduce:
CREATE KEYSPACE test WITH replication = {'class': 'NetworkTopologyStrategy', 'DC1': 2}; USE test; CREATE TABLE bug(id int PRIMARY KEY, val map<int,int>); INSERT INTO bug(id, val) VALUES (1, {2: 3}); CONSISTENCY LOCAL_QUORUM TRACING ON SELECT * FROM bug WHERE token(id) <= 0;
trace contains twice:
Appending to commitlog
Adding to bug memtable
Issue Links
- is duplicated by
CASSANDRA-9502 Range-slice queries with CL>ONE do unnecessary read-repairs
- Resolved