Status: Open
Resolution: Unresolved
Patch, Important
The InAppBrowser instance does not automatically dispatch the events after the system browser is opened via InAppBrowser. Please follow the generic code below:
//example 1 : bug with, '_system'); //event hander for inAppBrowser function inAppBrowserEventHandler(event){ //process few logic with the event parameter //and if conditions met lets open it on system browser var url = ''; //open the url in system browser var _inAppBrowserSystem =, '_system'); } //open the link in inside the iAB without var _inAppBrowser =, '_blank'); _inAppBrowser.addEventListener('loadstop', inAppBrowserEventHandler);
The _inAppBrowser instance works fine for the first time. But as soon as the system browser is opened, the event 'for eg. loadstop' does not fire automatically. This bug/issue appears only when system browser is open. for eg, the following code works perfectly.
//example 2 : no bug without, '_system'); //event hander for inAppBrowser function inAppBrowserEventHandler(event){ //process few logic with the event parameter //and if conditions met lets open it on system browser var url = ''; //log the url in the console instead of browser console.log('open this url in the system browser ' + url) } //open the link in inside the iAB without var _inAppBrowser =, '_blank'); _inAppBrowser.addEventListener('loadstop', inAppBrowserEventHandler);
It seems the new '_inAppBrowserSystem' instance somehow interrupts the event dispatcher for the '_inAppBrowser' instance. I found that if the _inAppBrowserSystem is assign the same eventHandler, then _inAppBrowser starts to dispatch the event. The following code helped me solve the problem but this should still be registered as a bug.
//example 3 : hack/solution with, '_system'); //event hander for inAppBrowser function inAppBrowserEventHandler(event){ //process few logic with the event parameter //and if conditions met lets open it on system browser var url = ''; //open the url in system browser var _inAppBrowserSystem =, '_system'); //for somereason, after assigning the same event handler to the _inAppBrowserSystem, the event dispatcher continues to work _inAppBrowserSystem.addEventListener('loadstop', inAppBrowserEventHandler); } //open the link in inside the iAB without var _inAppBrowser =, '_blank'); _inAppBrowser.addEventListener('loadstop', inAppBrowserEventHandler);
I have the solution for now, but I still register this as a bug as the event dispatcher is not consistent. For instance, the code in 'example 1' should work as in 'example 2'. If there is not a quick fix, I hope at least the documentation get updated with this hack.