Status: Resolved
Resolution: Not A Problem
OpenCMIS 0.13.0
Alfresco community 5.0.d on Linux, client in Java
When adding new documents (of our custom content type derived from document) where each document has also property containing objectId of parent document new search returns for next cca 7 seconds only documents before that add. Only after several seconds query returns correct results/added docs for some parent doc. Example of query, where I search for child docs of our custom content type:
SELECT cmis:objectId, cmis:name FROM ba:dok WHERE ba:parentId = '701c9c3c-87a6-45b7-9bee-a53c6fe854ae'
It seems that because of caching query only after (very) long time finds added docs. I tried first to set in solr4 in Alfresco every cache par. to 0 but it didn't help, still I have to wait for correct results. So I suspect that problem is on CMIS side...?