Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
According to the URI Scheme for Java(tm) Message Service 1.0, it uses
the ReplyToName and topicReplyToName for looking up the reply destination.
4.3.1. Treatment of replyToName parameter When used with the "queue" and "topic" variants, the replyToName parameter, specified in section 4.1.4, always refers to a name of a JMS queue to look up via the Session.createQueue() method. For either variant, if a JMS topic is instead required as a response destination, a JMS URI can employ the "topicReplyToName" parameter. This parameter defines a name to look up with the Session.createTopic() method. A JMS URI MUST NOT specify both a "topicReplyToName" and a "replyToName" parameter.
Current CXF JMS transport implementation just take the parameter of "replyToName"
and look up the destination according to the JMS URI variants.
We need to honor the "topicReplyToName" parameter for it.