To reproduce:
1. Build Tomcat7 Windows installer from the current trunk, as of rev.1035132 (7.0.5-dev)
It includes common-daemon 1.0.4.
- svn co
- Create file and set "base.path" property there
- Call "ant installer"
2. Install it.
3. If Tomcat Monitor is not running, go to the programs menu and call "Monitor Tomcat" shortcut there.
4. Now every attempt to call "Monitor Tomcat" or "Configure Tomcat" shortcuts results in an ugly message box:
" (0)
An instance of 'Tomcat7' application is already running"
Note the "(0)" in the first line.
Expected result: Display the window of that running application, or provide more pretty error message.
Additional information:
- The "Monitor Tomcat" shortcut calls
"C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 7.0\bin\tomcat7w.exe" //MS//Tomcat7 - The "Configure Tomcat" shortcut calls
"C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 7.0\bin\tomcat7w.exe" //ES//Tomcat7 - The service was configured to use a PidFile. I do not know whether that is relevant.