I have openjdk 12 installed and Jvm=auto set. When I start procrun 1.2.0 the service crashes with an access violation. With procrun 1.1.0 the service doesn't find the dll at all.
Openjdk is from
and installed such that it only sets the keys under HKLM\JavaSoft\JDK and updates PATH. No JAVA_HOME set. There are no other Java installations besides OpenJdk.
If I change HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Apache Software Foundation\Procrun 2.0\servicename\Parameters\Java from auto to the actual path of the OpenJdk jvm.dll the service starts just fine.
The situation is the same with the OpenJdk build from AdoptOpenJDK. The keys created under HKLM\JavaSoft are slightly different, though.