We can currently suppress warnings globally, using a config file.
We have found that it is sometimes important to make a DFDL schema create a structure, but we always want that structure to be invalid.
This enables capture of bad data into human readable XML elements, for example, but insures that data cannot be mistaken for valid data.
So we do things like this:
<simpleType name="invalidNoData" dfdl:lengthKind="explicit" dfdl:length="0"> <!-- always length 0 --> <restriction base="xs:hexBinary"> <minLength value="1"/> <!-- always invalid because must be length 1 --> </restriction> </simpleType>
This generates a schema definition warning.
Now we get these for every unit test, and they clutter the diagnostics, so we use a config file to suppress this warning.
But other than in locations like this, anywhere else in the schema, if you do this sort of thing, it would be a mistake. So we really only want to suppress the warning locally on this simple type definition.
A property allowing specification of a list of warnings to suppress would be helpful.