This issue is similar to DERBY-3944 (CHECK constraints). The correct behavior seems to governed by the same clause of the SQL standard quoted on that issue. As with CHECK constraints, unqualified function names in VIEWs are being incorrectly resolved to the current schema at DML time rather than to the current schema at DDL time. The following script shows this problem:
connect 'jdbc:derby:derbyauth;create=true;user=test_dbo;password=test_dbopassword' as test_dbo_conn;
drop view v_fsch_1;
drop function f_fsch_1;
create function f_fsch_1
a int
returns int
language java
parameter style java
no sql
external name 'org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.tests.lang.GeneratedColumnsTest.minus'
create view v_fsch_1( a )
as values ( f_fsch_1( 1 ) ), ( f_fsch_1( 2 ) );
grant select on v_fsch_1 to public;
select * from test_dbo.v_fsch_1;
connect 'jdbc:derby:derbyauth;create=true;user=janet;password=janetpassword' as janet_conn;
drop function f_fsch_1;
create function f_fsch_1
a int
returns int
language java
parameter style java
no sql
external name 'java.lang.Math.abs'
-- returns different results than those seen by user test_dbo
select * from test_dbo.v_fsch_1;
Issue Links
- is required by
DERBY-4994 10.5 backport effort issue (2011)
- Closed
- relates to
DERBY-3944 CHECK constraints involving user-coded functions may return different results depending on who performs the triggering INSERT/UPDATE
- Closed