Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
Repro attached
Deviation from standard
According to the discussion on DERBY-6429, generation expressions run under the aegis of the table owner and their privileges do not need to be checked when running INSERT/UPDATE statements. However, Derby requires the INSERTer/UPDATEr to have EXECUTE privilege on functions invoked by generation expressions and USAGE privilege on types mentioned by generation expressions.
Hopefully, this bug will be fixed by the work on DERBY-6429.
The following script shows this behavior:
connect 'jdbc:derby:memory:db;user=test_dbo;create=true';
call syscs_util.syscs_create_user( 'TEST_DBO', 'test_dbopassword' );
call syscs_util.syscs_create_user( 'RUTH', 'ruthpassword' );
– bounce database to turn on authentication and authorization
connect 'jdbc:derby:memory:db;shutdown=true';
connect 'jdbc:derby:memory:db;user=test_dbo;password=test_dbopassword' as dbo;
– schema
create function absoluteValue( inputValue int ) returns int
language java parameter style java deterministic no sql
external name 'java.lang.Math.abs';
create type hashmap external name 'java.util.HashMap' language java;
create function makeHashMap() returns hashmap
language java parameter style java no sql
external name 'org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.tests.lang.UDTTest.makeHashMap';
create table t1_generated_function
a int,
b int generated always as ( absoluteValue( a ) )
create table t1_generated_type
a hashmap,
b boolean generated always as ( a is null )
– data
insert into t1_generated_function( a ) values -101;
insert into t1_generated_type( a ) values ( makeHashMap() );
– privileges
grant insert on t1_generated_function to ruth;
grant update on t1_generated_function to ruth;
grant insert on t1_generated_type to ruth;
grant update on t1_generated_type to ruth;
connect 'jdbc:derby:memory:db;user=ruth;password=ruthpassword' as ruth;
– incorrectly fails because ruth does not have EXECUTE privilege on absoluteValue()
insert into test_dbo.t1_generated_function( a ) values ( -102 );
update test_dbo.t1_generated_function set a = -103;
– incorrectly fails because ruth does not have USAGE privilege on hashmap
insert into test_dbo.t1_generated_type( a ) values ( null );
update test_dbo.t1_generated_type set a = null;
Issue Links
- is related to
DERBY-6434 Incorrect privileges may be required for INSERT and DELETE statements.
- Closed
- relates to
DERBY-6431 Update Developer's Guide topic to include generated columns
- Closed
DERBY-6429 Privilege checks for UPDATE statements are wrong.
- Closed
DERBY-6432 INSERT/UPDATE incorrectly require user to have privilege to execute CHECK constraints on the target table.
- Closed