Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
Repro attached
ij version 10.11 ij> connect 'jdbc:derby:memory:db;create=true' as c1; ij> autocommit off; ij> create sequence seq; 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> values next value for seq; 1 ----------- ERROR X0Y84: Too much contention on sequence SEQ. This is probably caused by an uncommitted scan of the SYS.SYSSEQUENCES catalog. Do not query this catalog directly. Instead, use the SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_PEEK_AT_SEQUENCE function to view the current value of a query generator. ij> rollback; ERROR 08003: No current connection. ij> connect 'jdbc:derby:memory:db' as c2; ij(C2)> autocommit off; ij(C2)> create sequence seq; 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij(C2)> values next value for seq; 1 ----------- ERROR 38000: The exception 'org.apache.derby.shared.common.sanity.AssertFailure: ASSERT FAILED Identity being changed on a live cacheable. Old uuidString = 0ddd00a9-0145-98ba-79df-000007d88b08' was thrown while evaluating an expression. ERROR XJ001: Java exception: 'ASSERT FAILED Identity being changed on a live cacheable. Old uuidString = 0ddd00a9-0145-98ba-79df-000007d88b08: org.apache.derby.shared.common.sanity.AssertFailure'.
Issue Links
- blocks
DERBY-6542 Improve the concurrency of identity columns by using SYS.SYSSEQUENCES
- Closed
- is related to
DERBY-6692 Self-deadlock when inserting row with identity column in soft-upgraded database
- Closed
DERBY-6572 Raise SelfDeadlock exception when a nested sub transaction has to wait for a lock held by its parent transaction.
- Open
DERBY-6573 Don't throw an exception if a nested sub transaction can't immediately get a blocking lock held by its parent transaction.
- Open