Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
Module dependencies should be reflected by Ant targets dependencies.
And Ant targets execution follows the rules stated in
so a dependency could be covered (being redundant) by applying transitivity rule
to every dependency's dependecies (please look at the dot+pdf diagrams).
Modules dependencies, by the docs, are :
module depends | on |
org.apache.derby.client | org.apache.derby.commons |
org.apache.derby.engine | org.apache.derby.commons |
org.apache.derby.locale_* | org.apache.derby.commons | | org.apache.derby.client | | org.apache.derby.engine |
org.apache.derby.optionaltools | |
org.apache.derby.server | |
org.apache.derby.runner | org.apache.derby.server |
org.apache.derby.engine | org.osgi.framework |
but actual ant dependencies are (partial target => module map) :
target | depends | and module | depends on |
buildsource | client | ||
buildsource | shared | ||
buildsource | felixStubs | org.osgi.framework | |
engine | shared | org.apache.derby.engine | org.apache.derby.commons |
client | shared | org.apache.derby.client | org.apache.derby.commons |
tools | engine | | org.apache.derby.engine |
drda | engine | ||
runner | optional | ||
optional | engine |
so we expect that building 'engine' target alone will fails due to the lack of
'felixstubs' dependency.
And it fails ("01 ant engine.log") quoting "requires static org.osgi.framework;"
So the best try is to delete (on copy "build-01.xml" of "build.xml") the
buildsource => felixstubs
and to put it as last dependency of 'engine' target
Result : success ("02 ant -f build-01.xml engine.txt")
Similarly we can expect that also 'tools' fails, since it really depends on
'client' but this is not explicited in "build.xml".
And it fails ("03 ant -f build-01.xml tools.log") with:
[javac] requires static org.apache.derby.client;
So the best try is to switch the 'client' dependency (in copy "build-02.xml" of
"build-01.xml") from 'buildsource' to 'tools'.
Result: success ("04 ant -f build-02.xml tools.log").
The same thing for 'optional' that should depends on 'tools' but depends only on
And it fails ("05 ant -f build-02.xml optional.log") with
[javac] requires;
So we switch the 'tools' dependency from 'buildsource' to 'optional' (in copy
"build-03.xml" of "build.02.xml")
And it succeeds ("06 ant -f build-03.xml optional.log").
Same as 'drda' (aka server) that require 'tools' ("07 ant -f build-03.xml drda.log")
[javac] requires;
that succeds after adding 'tools' dependency to 'drda'
("08 ant -f build-04.xml drda.log")
and also for 'runner' ("09 ant -f build-04.xml runner.log") that requires 'drda'
[javac] requires org.apache.derby.server;
and succeeds after adding it into copy "build-05.xml" of "build-04.xml".
("10 ant -f build-05.xml runner.log")
After graphing "build-05.xml" (in "build-05.xml.pdf") one can notice that,
apart from redundant prerequisites (covered later), there's an extra dependency
on 'runner', that in module hierararchy needs only 'drda'.
After duplicating "build-05.xml" in "build-06.xml" and edited, removing
'runner' -> 'optional' prerequisite, build of 'runner' succeeds
("11 ant -f build-06.xml runner.log")
The next step is removing all the extra dependencies.
Given the transitivity of dependencies in this set
A => C (a depends on C)
A => B (a depends on B)
B => C (B depends on C)
the first dependendency is already covered by second and third one, and ant
will ignore it.
After graphing "build-06.xml" (in "build-06.pdf") and focusing on the subset
from 'buildsource' to 'shared' we can reduce it (in "build-07.xml")applying the
previous rule and deleting these dependencies:
- buildSource => shared
- buildsource => drda
- buildsource => engine
- drda => engine
- optional => engine
before continuing there are some test that can be passed :
- single target checking : a serie of deep clean + single target builds e.g. :
ant -f build-07.xml clobber
svn st --no-ignore
del/rmdir items marked with "I"
rmdir /Q /S classes.pptesting
rmdir /Q /S jars
del tools\java\junit.jar
ant -f build-07.xml shared
... for shared, felixstub, engine, client, tools, drda, storeless, optional,
so the full build list, refactored in a windows batch command, is
@echo off
call ant clobber -file %1 -quiet -silent > nul 2>&1
if errorlevel 1 (
echo error %ERRORLEVEL% during first clobber
exit /B 1
for %%t in (
) do (
call ant clobber -file %1 -quiet -silent > nul 2>&1
rmdir /Q /S classes.pptesting > nul 2>&1
rmdir /Q /S jars > nul 2>&1
del tools\java\junit.jar > nul 2>&1
rmdir /Q /S classes > nul 2>&1
rmdir /Q /S generated > nul 2>&1
rmdir /Q /S release > nul 2>&1
svn st --no-ignore | find "I "
echo ant -file %1 %%t
call ant -file %1 -quiet -silent %%t
if errorlevel 1 exit /B 1
"ant -f build-07.xml -quiet felixstubs"
we get an unexpected fail (but tests exist for this) and looking at
"13 ant -f build-07.xml felixStubs.log"
we can notice that the root cause is an undefined variable.
adding a dependency on 'state' to 'felixStubs' (on "build-08.xml") the build succeed
("14 ant -f build-08.xml felixStubs.log")
Graphing "build-08.xml" (in "build.08.pdf") we notice that there's still a
redundant dependency :
shared => init
covered by
shared => state => showenv => init
and, just on the right, another redundancy
init => makeOutDirs
already covered by
init => setCompilerProperties => prebuild => makeOutDirs
and, finally, a dependency
engine => state
already covered by
engine => felixStubs => state
engine => shared => state
so these can be removed.
Building "build-09.xml" succeeds, and so the run test for all the targets
("15 test targets.cmd build-09.xml")
The last tests are
a) log comparison
b) file comparison
we define a cleaning sequence
call ant clobber -f build-09.xml -quiet -silent
rmdir /Q /S classes.pptesting
rmdir /Q /S jars
rmdir /Q /S classes
del tools\java\junit.jar
svn st --no-ignore
and, for the standard build sequence
<cleaning sequence>
ant -quiet all
ant -quiet buildjars
we generate a standard log, a verbose log
<cleaning sequence>
ant all -f build.xml > "all - build.xml.log"
ant buildjars -f build.xml >> "all - build.xml.log"
<cleaning sequence>
ant all -f build.xml -verbose > "all - build.xml - verbose.log"
ant buildjars -f build.xml -verbose >> "all - build.xml - verbose.log"
<cleaning sequence>
ant all -f build-09.xml > "all - build-09.xml.log"
ant buildjars -f build-09.xml >> "all - build-09.xml.log"
<cleaning sequence>
ant all -f build-09.xml -verbose > "all - build-09.xml - verbose.log"
ant buildjars -f build-09.xml -verbose >> "all - build-09.xml - verbose.log"
all differences seems ok.
After looking at "build-09.xml.pdf" we notice that
buildsource => init
is already covered by many path, eg
buildsource => optional => tools => client => shared => state => showenv =>
=> init
and also
buildsource => prebuild
is covered by
... => init => setCompilerProperties => prebuild
and also
buildsource => setCompilerProperties
by the same path(s), so 'init', 'prebuild' and 'setCompilerProperties' can be
deleted from 'buildsource' prerequisites in "build-10.xml".
Tests and binary compare are ok.
Looking at "build-10.xml.pdf" and "build-10.buildsource-expanded-01.pdf" we
notice that 'build' target, 5th buildsource dependency, is ant-called anyway
from 'engine' and can be deleted from 'buildsource' dependencies in
"build-11.xml". Tests and binary compares pass.
The only problem remaining is the 'generateSecurityPolicies' target that fails
if built alone (due to a deep buried dependency)
Summary of included files (maybe zipped) :
File | Content |
---|---| | actual build graphing - focused on buildsource |
build@1863766.buildsource.pdf | | | same as above but with external build.xml expanded |
build@1863766.buildsource-expanded.pdf | |
build@1863766.xml | actual build.xml | | rendered in dot+pdf |
build@1863766.xml.pdf | | | final build-11 graphing |
build-11.buildsource.pdf | | | same as above but with external build.xml expanded |
build-11.buildsource-expanded.pdf | |
build-11.xml | final build-11.xml | | rendered in dot+pdf |
build-11.xml.pdf | |
patch.txt | the tiny 65 lines patch |
Bye !
Davide Grandi