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  1. Directory ApacheDS
  2. DIRSERVER-679

Tools improvement and add of Export Command and JUnit tests



    • Improvement
    • Status: Closed
    • Minor
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • 1.0-RC3
    • None
    • tools
    • None


      Working on a new plugin supporting LDIF Import/Export for LDAP Studio ( http://docs.safehaus.org/display/LDAPSTUDIO ), I wanted to use the Apache DS to import an LDIF file.
      But the Import Command can only be accessed via a Command Line and don't give enough feedback for a front-end GUI (particularly to show the progress of the operation).

      Emmanuel (Lécharny) also pointed out the fact that it may be interesting for future developments to be able to access the Tools in a "kind of" Client/Server way. The tools running on a the server's station, and the command launched from another machine.

      So, he asked me to modify the tools to add this Client/Server feature and make them callable more easily from other application and give better feedback.

      I made a small documentation on this on Safehaus : http://docs.safehaus.org/display/LDAPSTUDIO/Apache+DS+Tools+rewrite . It is also attached to this post as a PDF, since LDAPStudio's Confluence isn't accessible to everyone.

      In the patch you'll find the tools with the new architecture (defined with Emmanuel).
      I also added a new command that export entries as LDIF file, and some JUnit tests for the Import, Export and GracefulShutdown command.

      Feel free to give me your feedback about this.


        1. patch.txt
          107 kB
          Pierre-Arnaud Marcelot
        2. documentation.pdf
          200 kB
          Pierre-Arnaud Marcelot
        3. new-patch.txt
          100 kB
          Pierre-Arnaud Marcelot



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            pamarcelot Pierre-Arnaud Marcelot
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