Status: Closed
Resolution: Cannot Reproduce
Windows XP Professional SP2
When you are placed on a field, editing a ldif entry inside an ldif file, you can press F7 to modify the value of the field using the editor.
For example, when you have something like:
dn: cn=David,ou=ou,dc=dcserver,dc=org
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: person
objectClass: mozillaAbPersonAlpha
objectClass: evolutionPerson
cn: David
sn: Red
you can place the focus on "cn: David" and edit the entry with the editor pressing F7.
But, since you change the dn, putting there some text with the spanish letter ñ, you can no longer edit entry fields with the editor.
Imgine you change the cn to "Ñuño", the previous entry would be:
dn:: Y249w5F1w7FvLG91PW91LGRjPWRjc2VydmVyLGRjPW9yZw==
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: person
objectClass: mozillaAbPersonAlpha
objectClass: evolutionPerson
cn:: w5F1w7Fv
sn: Red
Now, you can no longer edit fields using the editor. When you press F7 nothing happens.
Nevertheless, you can use other special characters in the dn, for example you can change the cn to "Álvaro", the the editor encodes the whole dn entry, and it works fine if you want to edit again the encoded dn entry. So the editor fails to run only when the special letter ñ is there. (Well, I have not checked ALL the special characters, maybe with russian characters it also fails, I don't know)