A user contacted me about a NPE they were getting when starting an app that uses the DevelopmentProvider on a Raspberry PI. The code runs fine on a non-PI system. They said it was a vintage 24Aug copy of the code.
The NPE was occurring in ServerUtil.getTopDirFilePath() on the line:
return jarFile.getParentFile().getParentFile().getParentFile();
Don't know what ServerUtil.getPath() is returning on the PI but it didn't satisfy the expectations above. They were going to try to get me additional output (the path returned by getPath()) but I haven't heard back yet.
The edgent java8 release image was installed on the PI as demonstrated by the successful workaround I was able to give them to get them going:
Workaround: add a JVM system property when you launch your app:<root-of-the-edgent-java8-dir>