On 2011-09-14 18:08:41.437 jasonsj commented:
I reproduced what Ella describes in the bug and I added 2 screenshots.
Photo Sep 14, 5 49 34 PM.png shows step #3, initial tap on the TextInput.
Photo Sep 14, 5 50 21 PM.png shows step #5, reopening the Callout
3 things that are weird:
SPUC resize failed. TextArea has a minHeight, so in Step #3, the Callout should really be the size seen in step #5, the height should be capped at the bottom of the TextArea.
Step #3, You can see that the TextArea in the middle is active. The 4th line in the text area bleeds out of the Callout. I'm pretty sure this is FOL for StageText. Since we don't support clipping, as soon as the TextArea is in focus, you'll see the TextArea content bleed. If all my assumptions are true, then this isn't a bug.
Step #5 is pretty much the same problem as far as I can tell. Even if the CalloutButton content was in a scroller, we still can't clip StageText. Guess it doesn't matter because once I fix the SPUC resize bug, step #5 should show the original height of the SPUC and not it's min height.
On 2011-09-14 18:10:35.935 jasonsj commented:
Revised the bug to indicate the SPUC resize behavior instead of the StageText clipping behavior which is FOL.
On 2011-09-23 15:53:14.664 jasonsj commented:
Rev 22724. Fix CalloutSkin measuredMinHeight.
On 2011-09-26 14:14:38.678 mitelman commented:
verified in 22729 + air 458
Adobe Bug URL: http://bugs.adobe.com/jira/browse/SDK-31528
Original Reporter: mitelman
Original Resolution: Fixed
Discoverability: High
Number of votes: 0
Regression: Yes
Reproducibility: Every Time
Resolved by: jasonsj
Severity: Incorrectly Functioning
reporter: mitelman