On 2011-09-27 14:50:34.039 kawatana commented:
UTR in with air
Hi Fabien,
this seems to be not reproducible in the latest build. Could you please check it with the next drop?
thank you!
On 2011-09-30 11:35:22.930 kawatana commented:
Hi Fabien,
We are actually able to reproduce this. This happens when the textInput is not in the range of the opened callout.
On 2011-09-30 11:46:57.755 klin commented:
Attaching simple test case.
Steps to repro:
1) Tap the Callout Button.
2) Tap directly on TextInput outside of the Button.
On 2011-09-30 12:48:34.125 kawatana commented:
to irb in 22821.
On 2011-09-30 13:18:44.897 lmcliste commented:
load balancing to Tom due to JSJ being at MAX. If you don't get to it, please give to JSJ post MAX. Mega release
On 2011-10-03 13:22:38.460 jasonsj commented:
Haven't looked at this yet, but my guess is tapping on StageText doesn't trigger a mouseDownOutside event.
On 2011-10-05 17:59:33.502 tkraikit commented:
Adam's pointed out a couple of factors here:
1) StageText doesn't dispatch MOUSE_DOWN events
2) When the TextInput is overlapped by the Callout, the StageText is swapped with a bitmap to preserve z-order. The bitmap does dispatch MOUSE_DOWN events
This leads to two problems:
1) For TextInputs that are overlapped by the Callout, clicking on the TextInput closes the Callout but doesn't activate the TextInput and soft keyboard
2) For TextInputs that are not overlapped by the Callout, clicking on the TextInput activates the TextInput and soft keyboard but doesn't close the Callout
For #2, we can look at tying the FOCUS_IN event on TextInputs outside the Callout with DropDownController to also trigger the closing mechanism.
Not sure how to appropriately deal with #1 yet.
On 2011-10-07 13:12:09.950 tkraikit commented:
fix involves
a) listening for FOCUS_IN to capture those clicks on TextInputs that are not under the dropdown
b) adding listeners for removeFocusManager on the ActiveWindowManager in both MOUSE_DOWN and FOCUS_IN code paths; when the dropdown closes this event is dispatched, and we use that time to explicitly set focus on the item that was clicked (instead of the CalloutButton)
checkintests passed
code review and cyclone in progress
On 2011-10-10 11:22:07.829 tkraikit commented:
The differences in how TextInputs respond to touch when overlaid or not by a Callout have been split into a separate bug, SDK-31812. Only focusing in this bug on closing the Callout in response to the touch event on TextInput that is not overlaid by the Callout.
Currently working on solution using FOCUS_OUT suggested by Alex.
On 2011-10-10 17:48:54.934 tkraikit commented:
After discussion we've decided to approach this from a different angle. This bug is being closed as a dupe of SDK-31812; once that one is fixed, this problem of the Callout failing to close will no longer occur.
On 2011-10-19 13:03:03.460 fnicollet commented:
Confirmed fixed in i4
On 2011-10-27 11:06:48.016 kawatana commented:
Adobe Bug URL: http://bugs.adobe.com/jira/browse/SDK-31638
Original Reporter: fnicollet
Original Resolution: Fixed
Confirmed Version: 11343
Confirmed Version: Next Build
Discoverability: Medium
Number of votes: 0
Regression: No
Reproducibility: Every Time
Resolved by: tkraikit
Severity: Incorrectly Functioning
reporter: fnicollet