Excellent contribution to our docs. There are a few spelling/grammatical errors, but I've ignored them for the moment. Here are the more important points:
"In doing the research for this How To, Ross Gardler taucht me so many interesting facts"
- much as I appreciate the acknowledgement we don't directly reference developers in the docs. This is because over time many people will typically contribute to documents such as this.
"A basic understanding of coocons pipelines and their compontents."
- perhaps a link to relevant Cocoon docs would be helpful, there are some links on
"If you plan on creating your own custom processing for
HTML-pages, you'll also need write access to Forrest's
project directory.
"Follow this link to the <a href="sitemap.xmap.html#%3C%21--Start+of+Sitemap--%3E">start of the Sitemap.</a>"
- why a .html file?
"'*.xlex' that would match if our file ended with '.xlex'"
- it's the request that needs to end with .xlex rather than the file.
<map:match pattern="**/*.html">
<map:aggregate element="site">
- if you use "<source><![CDATA[ ... ]]