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  1. Geronimo
  2. GERONIMO-889

Replace Geronimo-Derby-Connector with TranQL Vendors Derby Connector



    • Improvement
    • Status: Closed
    • Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • None
    • None
    • None
    • Security Level: public (Regular issues)
    • None
    • All


      TranQL AbstractConnectorMCF has been updated to conform to the JCA 1.5 specification. As such the current DerbyConnector no longer compiles due to method changes on set/getLoginTimeout. There were two choices to be made here. Modify the Derby-Connector or replace the connector. TranQL provides a set of connectors for multiple vendors (Oracle and Derby currently with DB2 coming before V1 of Geronimo) which provides the same functionality as the Derby-Connector along with additional database vendor support.

      I have spoken with Dave Jencks and Jeremy about the change and we think this is the best way to proceed.

      I don't know what appliacations may be relying

      If we agree to make this change this improvement does the following:

      1. Updates all artifacts in the current Geronimo Build to include the TranQL Vendors connectors and remove all references to the Geronimo-Derby-Connector.
      2. Updates OpenEJB to pull the correct version of the TranQL connector
      3. Updates the sandbox PetStore Project to pull in the new connector as well.
      4. Console Update to change the connector class (imbedded as a string in one of the portlets.

      I am finishing the patches to update the various components and testing them out. Given the magnitude of the change (updating multiple projects) I wanted to get this out for discussion now. Patches should be ready in a day or so after I've verified them.


        1. ASF.LICENSE.NOT.GRANTED--geronimo0826.diff
          32 kB
          Matt Richard Hogstrom
        2. ASF.LICENSE.NOT.GRANTED--openejb0826.diff
          1 kB
          Matt Richard Hogstrom
        3. geronimo.patch
          31 kB
          Matt Richard Hogstrom
        4. geronimo0826.diff
          32 kB
          Matt Richard Hogstrom
        5. geronimo0826a.diff
          2 kB
          Matt Richard Hogstrom
        6. openejb.patch
          2 kB
          Matt Richard Hogstrom
        7. openejb0826a.diff
          0.8 kB
          Matt Richard Hogstrom
        8. openejb0826a.diff
          0.8 kB
          Matt Richard Hogstrom

        Issue Links



              djencks David Jencks
              hogstrom Matt Richard Hogstrom
              0 Vote for this issue
              0 Start watching this issue

