New Feature
Status: Open
Resolution: Unresolved
JUnit5 is planning to deprecate script-based execution conditions. We should provide the equivalent - but for just Groovy.
Documentation (at least until removed) for what is currently supported:
Issue to deprecate:
PR to deprecate:
Here is an example showing current support:
import org.junit.jupiter.api.* import org.junit.jupiter.api.condition.* import import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertTrue // next 4 only for extra logging import java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler import java.util.logging.Level import java.util.logging.Logger import org.junit.platform.launcher.listeners.LoggingListener class MyTest { @BeforeAll static void init() { def logger = Logger.getLogger( logger.level = Level.FINE // logger.addHandler(new ConsoleHandler(level: Level.FINE)) } @EnabledIf(engine = "groovy", value = "System.getProperty('java.specification.version') != '9'") @Test void streamSum() { assertTrue(Stream.of(1, 2, 3) .mapToInt(i -> i) .sum() > 5, () -> "Sum should be greater than 5") } @DisabledIf(engine = "groovy", value = "junitDisplayName.matches('.*[24].*')") // disable even @RepeatedTest(value=5, name = "{displayName} {currentRepetition}/{totalRepetitions}") void streamSumRepeated() { assert Stream.of(1, 2, 3).mapToInt(i -> i).sum() == 6 } } // JUnit5 launcher: passed=4, failed=0, skipped=2, time=14ms
We could consider accepting a String (and evaluate in a new shell which would enable the annotation to be used in non-Groovy source files provided Groovy was on the classpath) and/or just support Groovy test scripts in a fashion similar to Spock/GContracts (I'd probably make this the default if both were supported with a script="...some groovy code..." option for the former case if supported):
@EnabledIf({ System.getProperty('java.specification.version') != '9' }) @DisabledIf({ junitDisplayName.matches('.*[24].*') }) // disable even
Examples show support for one of the existing binding variables 'junitDisplayName'. We could consider maintaining support for that information.
Also be aware of the following issue (we'll need to assess how it impacts us down the track and document appropriately):