Good morning community,
I am using "Guacamole Portal" over an "SSL VPN web access" and not an "SSL VPN tunnel access" that I configured on FortiGate 100E v7.0.1.
By my understanding, FortiGate uses "Guacd" to allow this "web access feature".
So in this configuration, I have the "FortiGate Guacd" accessing my "guacamole portal".
In other words, the "Guacd of FortiGate" accesses another "guacamole portal".
The topology example with the picture topo.png
I can connect to the guacamole portal through the "SSL VPN web access".
When I am on the portal I have bugs using the links:
Link of settings page does not work:
1/ I authenticate to the FortiGate SSL VPN web access. (https://<MyFortigateVPN>:4433/sslvpn/portal.html#!/) -> Guacd of FortiGate portal custom.
2/ I authenticate as guacadmin role on the guacamole portal https://<MyFortigateVPN>:4433/proxy/3f7ea791/https/<guacamolePortalIP>/#/
3/I click on setting such as in "bug1 picture"
4/I see that the click setting action send me to https://<MyFortigateVPN>:4433/proxy/3f7ea791/https/<guacamolePortalIP>/#/proxy/3f7ea791/https/<guacamolePortalIP>/#/settings/sessions/
5/I am redirected automatically to https://<MyFortigateVPN>:4433/proxy/3f7ea791/https/<guacamolePortalIP>/#/
Bypassing the bug of "settings page" page manually
I can enter manually https://<MyFortigateVPN>:4433/proxy/3f7ea791/https/<guacamolePortalIP>/#/settings/sessions to access settings pages. (see bug2 picture)
Problem with all links not only settings
This problem does not happen only with settings but with all links such as users, groups, preferences and all other links because proxy/3f7ea791/https/<guacamolePortalIP>/#/ is concatenate in the URL and it should not.
Do you think this issue can be solved?
Best regards, fabouch