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  1. Hadoop Common
  2. HADOOP-570

Map tasks may fail due to out of memory, if the number of reducers are moderately big



    • Bug
    • Status: Closed
    • Major
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • None
    • None
    • None
    • None


      Map tasks may fail due to out of memory, if the number of reducers are moderately big.
      In my case, I set child task heap size to 1GB, turned on compression for the mapoutput files.
      The average size of input records is about 30K (I don't know the variation though).
      A lot of map tasks failed due to out of memory when the number of reducers was at 400 and higher.
      The number of reducers can be somewhat higher (as high as 800) if the compression for the mapoutput files was off).
      This problem will impose a hard limit on the scalability of map/reduce clusters.

      One possible solution to this problem is to let the mapper to write out single map output file,
      and then to perform sort/partition as a separate phrase.
      his will also make it unnecessary for the reducers to perform sort on individual portions from mappers.
      Rather, the reducers should just perform merge operations on the map output files directly.
      This may even allow the possibility of dynamically collect some statistics of the map outputs and
      use the stats to drive the partition on the mapper side, and obtain the optimal merge plan on the reducer side!


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