I am trying to get the graphing going using Edward Capriolo's great JMX to Cacti guide. I checked and I am missing the request rate in the JMX MBean:
# sh 0_20/regionserver/ service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://foobar:10102/jmxrmi controlRole mypass hadoop:name=RegionServerStatistics,service=RegionServer storefiles:493 blockCacheFree:139771296 storefileIndexSizeMB:102 memstoreSizeMB:0 stores:658 blockCacheCount:8400 regions:83 blockCacheHitRatio:0 blockCacheSize:717478944 atomicIncrementTimeNumOps:0 atomicIncrementTimeAvgTime:0 atomicIncrementTimeMinTime:-1 atomicIncrementTimeMaxTime:0
I checked the code and the difference between requests and the other attributes is that MetricsRate does not register itself in the MetricsRegistry used by the dynamic MBean like for example the MetricsLongValue does.