Running the HBaseContext Examples available at
If you run them in sequence, let's say you run first HBaseBulkPutExample
and immediately after you run HBaseBulkGetExample
You get a NullPointerException.
In the API we have:
defhbaseBulkGet(hc: HBaseContext, tableName: TableName, batchSize: Int, f: (T) ⇒ Get): RDD[(ImmutableBytesWritable, Result)]
Implicit method that gives easy access to HBaseContext's bulk get. This will return a new RDD. Think about it as a RDD map function. In that every RDD value will get a new value out of HBase. That new value will populate the newly generated RDD.
The hbaseContext object to identify which HBase cluster connection to use
The tableName that the put will be sent to
How many gets to execute in a single batch
The function that will turn the RDD values in HBase Get objects
A resulting RDD with type R objects
So it seems the function f passed to should be modified as an Scala partial function to handle the case when the Result is null.
One possible fix would be to call in an if Result.isEmpty() to make sure it isn't empty.
The API for Result.listCells expressly says it can return null if there are no results.