Use the following command to find all tests that are still using JUnit4.
grep -rlE "org.junit.[A-Z]" . --include '*.java'
Use the following command to find all tests that are still using JUnit3 components.
grep -rl "junit.framework" . --include '*.java'
Script for the class substitution:
sed -i $1 \ -e 's/org.junit.After;/org.junit.jupiter.api.AfterEach;/' \ -e 's/@After$/@AfterEach/' \ -e 's/org.junit.AfterClass;/org.junit.jupiter.api.AfterAll;/' \ -e 's/@AfterClass$/@AfterAll/' \ -e 's/org.junit.Before;/org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeEach;/' \ -e 's/@Before$/@BeforeEach/' \ -e 's/org.junit.BeforeClass;/org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeAll;/' \ -e 's/@BeforeClass$/@BeforeAll/' \ -e 's/org.junit.Test/org.junit.jupiter.api.Test/' \ -e 's/org.junit.Assert/org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions/' \ -e 's/junit.framework.TestCase/org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions/' \ -e 's/Assert\./Assertions./'
Notes for converting assertions:
- The order of parameters for assertions with message changed, old: assertEquals(message, expected, actual), new: assertEquals(expected, actual, message). This may result in compile errors that need to be fixed. Also, assertEquals(String, String, String) would successfully compile, but fail during test.
- The name Assertions is a bit longer and conversion might result in lines over 80 chars, causing checkstyle failure.
See also:
Subtasks that remove the last JUnit4 usage in the submodule should add <allow.junit4>false</allow.junit4> to pom.xml, to prevent new JUnit4 tests being added in the future.
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