Issue Links
- blocks
HIVE-12352 CompactionTxnHandler.markCleaned() may delete too much
- Closed
HIVE-12353 When Compactor fails it calls CompactionTxnHandler.markedCleaned(). it should not.
- Closed
- depends upon
HIVE-12831 Thrift and RDBMS changes for HIVE-10249
- Resolved
- is depended upon by
HIVE-12686 TxnHandler.checkLock(CheckLockRequest) perf improvements
- Open
HIVE-11444 ACID Compactor should generate stats/alerts
- Open
HIVE-11685 Restarting Metastore kills Compactions - store Hadoop job id in COMPACTION_QUEUE
- Open
HIVE-11965 add heartbeat count for each lock/transaction
- Open
HIVE-10249 ACID: show locks should show who the lock is waiting for
- Closed
HIVE-11956 SHOW LOCKS should indicate what acquired the lock
- Closed
HIVE-11495 Add aborted reason to transaction information.
- Closed
HIVE-11957 Add StartedTime and LastHeartbeatTime columns to SHOW TRANSACTIONS output
- Closed
HIVE-11793 SHOW LOCKS with DbTxnManager ignores filter options
- Closed
- is duplicated by
HIVE-12807 Thrift and DB Changes for HIVE-12352
- Resolved
HIVE-12814 Make thrift and DB changes for HIVE-11444
- Resolved
HIVE-12816 Thrift and schema changes for HIVE-11685
- Resolved
HIVE-12818 Schema changes for HIVE-12353
- Resolved
HIVE-12819 Thrift and RDBMS schema changes for HIVE-11957
- Resolved
HIVE-12821 Thrift and RDBMS schema changes for HIVE-11965
- Resolved
HIVE-12822 Thrift and RDBMS schema changes for HIVE-11495
- Resolved
HIVE-12823 Thrift and RDBMS schema changes for HIVE-11956
- Resolved
HIVE-12829 Thrift changes for HIVE-12686
- Resolved
HIVE-12831 Thrift and RDBMS changes for HIVE-10249
- Resolved
HIVE-12830 Thrift changes for HIVE-11793
- Resolved