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  1. Apache Hudi
  2. HUDI-7779

Guarding archival to not archive unintended commits




      Archiving commits from active timeline could lead to data consistency issues on some rarest of occasions. We should come up with proper guards to ensure we do not make such unintended archival. 


      Major gap which we wanted to guard is:

      if someone disabled cleaner, archival should account for data consistency issues and ensure it bails out.

      We have a base guarding condition, where archival will stop at the earliest commit to retain based on latest clean commit metadata. But there are few other scenarios that needs to be accounted for. 


      a. Keeping aside replace commits, lets dive into specifics for regular commits and delta commits.

      Say user configured clean commits to 4 and archival configs to 5 and 6. after t10, cleaner is supposed to clean up all file versions created at or before t6. Say cleaner did not run(for whatever reason for next 5 commits). 

          Archival will certainly be guarded until earliest commit to retain based on latest clean commits. 

      Corner case to consider: 

      A savepoint was added to say t3 and later removed. and still the cleaner was never re-enabled. Even though archival would have been stopped at t3 (until savepoint is present),but once savepoint is removed, if archival is executed, it could archive commit t3. Which means, file versions tracked at t3 is still not yet cleaned by the cleaner. 


      We are good here wrt data consistency. Up until cleaner runs next time, this older file versions might be exposed to the end-user. But time travel query is not intended for already cleaned up commits and hence this is not an issue. None of snapshot, time travel query or incremental query will run into issues as they are not supposed to poll for t3. 

      At any later point, if cleaner is re-enabled, it will take care of cleaning up file versions tracked at t3 commit. Just that for interim period, some older file versions might still be exposed to readers. 


      b. The more tricky part is when replace commits are involved. Since replace commit metadata in active timeline is what ensures the replaced file groups are ignored for reads, before archiving the same, cleaner is expected to clean them up fully. But are there chances that this could go wrong? 

      Corner case to consider. Lets add onto above scenario, where t3 has a savepoint, and t4 is a replace commit which replaced file groups tracked in t3. 

      Cleaner will skip cleaning up files tracked by t3(due to the presence of savepoint), but will clean up t4, t5 and t6. So, earliest commit to retain will be pointing to t6. And say savepoint for t3 is removed, but cleaner was disabled. In this state of the timeline, if archival is executed, (since t3.savepoint is removed), archival might archive t3 and t4.rc.  This could lead to data duplicates as both replaced file groups and new file groups from t4.rc would be exposed as valid file groups. 


      In other words, if we were to summarize the different scenarios: 

      i. replaced file group is never cleaned up. 
          - ECTR(Earliest commit to retain) is less than this.rc and we are good. 
      ii. replaced file group is cleaned up. 
          - ECTR is > this.rc and is good to archive.
      iii. tricky: ECTR moved ahead compared to this.rc, but due to savepoint, full clean up did not happen.  After savepoint is removed, and when archival is executed, we should avoid archiving the rc of interest. This is the gap we don't account for as of now.


      We have 3 options to go about to solve this.

      Option A: 

      Let Savepoint deletion flow take care of cleaning up the files its tracking. 


      Savepoint's responsibility is not removing any data files. So, from a single user responsibility rule, this may not be right. Also, this clean up might need to do what a clean planner might actually be doing. ie. build file system view, understand if its supposed to be cleaned up already, and then only clean up the files which are supposed to be cleaned up. For eg, if a file group has only one file slice, it should not be cleaned up and scenarios like this. 


      Option B:

      Since archival is the one which might cause data consistency issues, why not archival do the clean up. 

      We need to account for concurrent cleans, failure and retry scenarios etc. Also, we might need to build the file system view and then take a call whether something needs to be cleaned up before archiving something. 


      Again, the single user responsibility rule might be broken. Would be neat if cleaner takes care of deleting data files and archival only takes care of deleting/archiving timeline files. 


      Option C:

      Similar to how cleaner maintain EarliestCommitToRetain, let cleaner track another metadata named "EarliestCommitToArchive". Strictly speaking, earliest commit to retain is meant for incremental cleaner. Archival polls earliest commit to retain and additionally savepointed instants to add guard rails. So, why not cleaner do that work and track "EarliestCommitToArchive". Essentially the value will be either "EarliestCommitToRetain" or earliest savepointed commit earlier than EarliestCommitToRetain. 

      By this way, archival does not need to do any additional polling (savepoint timeline for instance). It can just guard itself against "EarliestCommitToArchive". 


      Impl nuances: 

      Cleaner has to track savepointed instants as well to assist in deducing the "EarliestCommitToArchive". 



      Archival does not need to build FSV and instead rely on clean commit metadata. 


      Irrespective of any approach we take, also thinking if we should unify the enablement of archival and cleaner together. 

      For eg, one cannot run just archival after disabling cleaner. Either both cleaner and archival are enabled or both are disabled. By this way, we do not let archival run w/o a clean. This atleast reduces the chances of such data consistencies, but still one of the above approach has to be fixed. Logically speaking, cleaner and archival should go hand in hand. There is no work for archival if cleaner has not run. Only if cleaner moved the "earliest commit to retain" (and earliest commit to archival), archival will have something to do. If not, very likely its a no-op. so, why not have one config to enable to disable both. 


      More details on how cleaner can track or deduce "EarliestCommitToArchive" (Option C):

      Clean planner will be tracking the current savepointed timestamps as part of every plan. Also, it will find the difference b/w previously tracked savepointed timestamp list and ensure it triggers clean and updates "EarliestCommitToArchive" accordingly. 


      Example illustration:

      Say this is the timeline. 

         t20(starting of active timeline) ----- t30 (earliest commit to retain) ---- t35(latest)


      User added savepoint to t32. and say there are 5 more commits. 

      next time when cleaner runs: 

       t20(starting of active timeline) –- t32 (sp) – t35 (earliest commit to retain) ---- t40(latest)

      But cleaner also tracks that "t32" as savepointed timestamp list. 

      And sets "EarliestCommitToArchive" to "t32". 

      After archival 

      t32 (sp) – t35 (earliest commit to retain) ---- t40(latest)


      And if the user deletes the savepoint of interest:

      t32(first entry in active timeline) – t35 (earliest commit to retain) ---- t40(latest)

      and 4 new commits are added. 

      t32(first entry in active timeline) – t35 (earliest commit to retain) ---- t44(latest)

      Cleaner runs:

      Clean planner will poll current timeline for savepointed commits and compare it w/ previously tracked list. 

      And so it deduces that t32 savepoint has been removed. If archival has not be run, t32.deltacommit will be activetimeline for sure. And so clean planner can deduce the partitions for incremental cleaner. 

      Computes the "EarliestCommittoRetain" to say "t39". 

      Updates "EarliestCommitToArchive" to also "t39" since there are no savepoints and archival is good to archive every commit up until t39. 



      We will go w/ Option C.


      Re-iterating the proposed fix:


      a. Cleaner will track savepointed timestamps during every plan. Compared it with previous clean plan and deduce if any savepoint is removed. If any removal is deduced, clean planning will happen for all partitions. 

      b. Cleaner will also track additional metadata called "EarliestCommitToNotArchive". Whose value will either refer to first savepoint if first savepoint < earliest commit to retain. Or it will refer to "earliestCommitToRetain". 


      Archival will guard itself against "EarliestCommitToNotArchive" from latest completed clean. 







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