As of now indexes information for JDBC drivers get by another way then system SQL view INDEXES. Need to use single source of the information to have consistent picture.
So, JDBC drivers should use the same source as SQL view INDEXES (org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.query.h2.sys.view.SqlSystemViewIndexes)
Start point for JDBC index metadata is org.apache.ignite.internal.jdbc2.JdbcDatabaseMetadata#getIndexInfo
Also order of result should be correspond Javadoc ('ordered by NON_UNIQUE, TYPE, INDEX_NAME, and ORDINAL_POSITION') - at present it is not so.
Issue Links
- is blocked by
IGNITE-17285 Ambiguous output of INDEXES SytemView if cache is created via DDL
- Resolved
- is duplicated by
IGNITE-9490 Connection.getMetaData.getIndexInfo method doesn't return PK indexes
- Resolved
- relates to
IGNITE-15424 Calcite engine. Move schema management infrastructure to the core module
- Resolved
- links to