

    • Sub-task
    • Status: Resolved
    • Major
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • None
    • None
    • extensions
    • Docs Required, Release Notes Required


      As I see, now CDC Test Suite on both TC instances runs tests twice:
      Duplication in TC1 build #350:

      [22:39:32] : [Step 3/3] [22:39:32] >>> Starting test class: CdcIgniteToIgniteReplicationTest <<<
      [23:00:48] : [Step 3/3] [23:00:48] >>> Starting test class: ConflictResolverRestartTest <<<
      [23:00:50] : [Step 3/3] [23:00:50] >>> Starting test class: CacheConflictOperationsTest <<<
      [23:00:51] : [Step 3/3] [23:00:51] >>> Starting test class: CdcKafkaReplicationAppsTest <<<
      [00:13:57] : [Step 3/3] [00:13:57] >>> Starting test class: KafkaToIgniteLoaderTest <<<
      [00:13:57] : [Step 3/3] [00:13:57] >>> Starting test class: CdcKafkaReplicationTest <<<
      [01:22:21] : [Step 3/3] [01:22:21] >>> Starting test class: CacheConflictOperationsWithFieldTest <<<
      [01:22:21] : [Step 3/3] [01:22:21] >>> Starting test class: CacheConflictOperationsTest <<<
      [01:22:22] : [Step 3/3] [01:22:22] >>> Starting test class: CacheConflictOperationsWithFieldTest <<<
      [01:22:23] : [Step 3/3] [01:22:23] >>> Starting test class: CdcIgniteToIgniteReplicationTest <<<

      Duplication in TC2 build #285:

      [23:14:52] : [Step 3/3] [23:14:52] >>> Starting test class: ConflictResolverRestartTest <<<
      [23:14:55] : [Step 3/3] [23:14:55] >>> Starting test class: CdcIgniteToIgniteReplicationTest <<<
      [23:33:07] : [Step 3/3] [23:33:07] >>> Starting test class: CacheConflictOperationsTest <<<
      [23:33:08] : [Step 3/3] [23:33:08] >>> Starting test class: CacheConflictOperationsWithFieldTest <<<
      [23:33:09] : [Step 3/3] [23:33:09] >>> Starting test class: CdcIgniteToIgniteReplicationTest <<<
      [23:51:14] : [Step 3/3] [23:51:14] >>> Starting test class: KafkaToIgniteLoaderTest <<<
      [23:51:15] : [Step 3/3] [23:51:15] >>> Starting test class: CdcKafkaReplicationTest <<<
      [00:32:29] : [Step 3/3] [00:32:29] >>> Starting test class: CdcKafkaReplicationAppsTest <<<
      [01:14:03] : [Step 3/3] [01:14:03] >>> Starting test class: ConflictResolverRestartTest <<<
      [01:14:04] : [Step 3/3] [01:14:04] >>> Starting test class: CacheConflictOperationsWithFieldTest <<<
      [01:14:04] : [Step 3/3] [01:14:04] >>> Starting test class: KafkaToIgniteLoaderTest <<<
      [01:14:04] : [Step 3/3] [01:14:04] >>> Starting test class: CdcKafkaReplicationAppsTest <<<
      [01:14:04] >>> Starting test class: KafkaToIgniteLoaderTest <<<
      [01:55:29] : [Step 3/3] [01:55:29] >>> Starting test class: CdcKafkaReplicationTest <<<

      It seems, that tests implicitly runs outside of the scope IgniteCdcTestSuite. We should remove such duplication, because of execution timeout which blocks testing of CDC extension. Moreover, we should check, that other extensions are tested without such duplication.

      Build logs:

      1. TC1: _TESTS_CDC_350.log.zip
      2. TC2: _TESTS_CDC_285.log.zip

      Links on corresponding TC build:

      1. TC1 build #350
      2. TC2 build #285

      So, there are possible solutions:

      1. Remove IgniteCdcTestSuite class without changing TC confiuration.
      2. Split IgniteCdcTestSuite onto to suite classes, eg. Ignite2Ignite and IgniteThroughKafka. This also makes possible to run suites separately, but requires changing TC configuration.

      Also, we can add explicit suite classes in TC configuration, but it is makes sense only if we have to to run suites in parallel manner for some modules. If I'm right, only CDC is now a possible candidate for this.


        1. _TESTS_CDC_350.log.zip
          16.25 MB
          Ilya Shishkov
        2. _TESTS_CDC_285.log.zip
          22.44 MB
          Ilya Shishkov

        Issue Links



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              shishkovilja Ilya Shishkov
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