Status: Resolved
Resolution: Fixed
For some purposes, in addition to persistent txnState in commit partition, it's required to have a txn meta on every transactional actor: txn coordinator, commit partition (both primary and all backups) and all enlisted partitions (both primary and backups). IEP-91 names such meta holder as txn state map and specifies following structure
txId -> (txState, txCoordAddr, commitTs)
Such map is originally designed to provide required information for writeIntentResolution: txState for local write intent resolution and txCoordAddr for coordinator-path one, but that's not all it's good for, so it definitely worth to implement it as soon as possible in order to unblock further activities.
-Why we have this ticket in "commit partition recovery" pack?
-Because in order to implement proper handling of a commit partition primary replica change (which is definitely a part of the "commit partition pack") it's required to:
- Support local txnStateMap, in order to
- Implement writeIntentResolution coordinator path, in order to
- Calculate commitTimestamp on txn coordtinator istead of commit partition, where we do it now.
Definition of Done
Every transactional actor
- Txn Coordinator.
- CommitPartition, both primary and all backups.
- All enlisted partitions, both primary and all backups.
should have volatile txnStateMap with following suggested structure 'txId -> (txState, txCoordAddr, commitTs)'.
Given map should be adjusted before any further transactional actions within node in a following way:
- Transaction coordinator.
- On transaction start with state PENDING.
- On transaction commit, right after commitTimestamp calucalttion with state FINISHING.
- On txFinishReplicaResponse with either COMMITED or ABORTED.
- Commit partition.
- On replica touch with state PENDING.
- After succefull finishTxCommand application on majoirty with either COMMITED or ABORTED.
- Seems that we don't need FINISHING state here, so let's skip it for now.
- Enlisted replica.
- Primary
- On replica touch with state PENDING.
- On TxCleanupCommand COMMITED or ABORTED.
- Backup
- On touch replication PENDING.
- On TxCleanupCommand COMMITED or ABORTED, same as for primary.
- Primary
Implementation Notes
There are some open questions:
- Where to put this txnStateMap? TxManager?
- Properly handle same map multiple updates, based on the fact that Commit Partition is also an enlisted partition. To be honest I believe it's not that important. We may extent possible state change application rules to assume that null > PENDING, PENDING > FINISHING, PENDING > COMMITED, PENDING > ABORTED, PENDING > PENDING, COMMITED > COMMITED and ABORTED > ABORTED are all possible.
- Eliminate excessive map updates in case of "one-phase commit".
- Substitute org.apache.ignite.internal.tx.impl.TxManagerImpl#states with txnStateMap.
- Definte "touch".
- It's reasonbale to use non-consistent node id as txCoordAddr because currently there's no sense in sending TxStateReq to the node that lost it's local txnStateMap because of node restart.
Issue Links
- blocks
IGNITE-20034 Implement writeIntentResolution coordinator path
- Resolved
IGNITE-20041 Asynchronous writeIntent cleanup on write intent resolution
- Resolved
- duplicates
IGNITE-17638 Implement Txn state map to optimize write intent resolution
- Resolved
- links to