test_delete_complextypes_mixed_files creates an Iceberg table in Hive using CTAS:
create table ice_complex_delete stored by iceberg stored as orc as select * from functional_parquet.complextypestbl;
When migrating the test to Apache Hive 3.1, this needs to be converted into a CreateTable and an INSERT statement since STORED BY ICEBERG is not supported in Apache Hive 3. The table should be created using STORED BY ''. However, CTAS in Hive 3 doesn't support the STORED BY storageHandler clause. It'd be helpful if Impala can create the table itself. Then we can still use Hive to insert the ORC files.
The statement we need is
create table my_ice_tbl like functional_parquet.complextypestbl stored by iceberg; AnalysisException: functional_parquet.complextypestbl cannot be cloned into an Iceberg table because it is not an Iceberg table.
Note that functional_parquet.complextypestbl is just a non-partitioned table. It'd be nice to support partitioned tables as well.
Issue Links
- relates to
IMPALA-10847 Support on Apache Hive3 Release
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