I have 2 two tables:
- One table1 is a a Hive external table from a HBase table with a boolean type field (stored as binary) (true/false)
- A second table2 is a classic Hive table with a boolean type field (true/false)
When I'm trying to join these two tables, I can only join when the boolean field = false but not when the boolean field = true.
Futhermore, when I'm running a query like :
select * from table1 where booleanField = 0 # I got results with booleanField = false
select * from table2 where booleanField = 0 # I got results with booleanField = false
This is normal I think. But when I'm trying with true, I got:
select * from table1 where booleanField = 1 # I got no result
select * from table2 where booleanField = 1 # I got results with booleanField = true
If I do this for table1, I got the true results for the booleanField:
select * from table1 where booleanField = -1 # I got results with booleanField = true
select * from table2 where booleanField = -1 # I got no result
Is this normal ? Am I doing something not expected ? I've tried to refresh both table before initiating the queries in case too.