Status: Resolved
Resolution: Fixed
Impala 3.2.0
F0221 12:36:27.886497 157443] 3843237c92f4c6b5:b5aa170b00000092] Check failed: deferred_rpcs_.empty() || (num_deserialize_tasks_pending_ + num_pending_enqueue_) > 0 *** Check failure stack trace: *** @ 0x47eb92c google::LogMessage::Fail() @ 0x47ed1d1 google::LogMessage::SendToLog() @ 0x47eb306 google::LogMessage::Flush() @ 0x47ee8cd google::LogMessageFatal::~LogMessageFatal() @ 0x1ed07a0 impala::KrpcDataStreamRecvr::SenderQueue::GetBatch() @ 0x1ed65e7 impala::KrpcDataStreamRecvr::GetBatch() @ 0x22c5d67 impala::ExchangeNode::FillInputRowBatch() @ 0x22c5953 impala::ExchangeNode::Open() @ 0x240079a impala::BlockingJoinNode::ProcessBuildInputAndOpenProbe() @ 0x238720f impala::PartitionedHashJoinNode::Open() @ 0x23e6d76 impala::AggregationNode::Open() @ 0x1f52b2f impala::FragmentInstanceState::Open() @ 0x1f4f7f3 impala::FragmentInstanceState::Exec() @ 0x1f62dd9 impala::QueryState::ExecFInstance() @ 0x1f610bb _ZZN6impala10QueryState15StartFInstancesEvENKUlvE_clEv @ 0x1f6421a _ZN5boost6detail8function26void_function_obj_invoker0IZN6impala10QueryState15StartFInstancesEvEUlvE_vE6invokeERNS1_15function_bufferE @ 0x1d766b3 boost::function0<>::operator()() @ 0x2223e4e impala::Thread::SuperviseThread() @ 0x222c1d2 boost::_bi::list5<>::operator()<>() @ 0x222c0f6 boost::_bi::bind_t<>::operator()() @ 0x222c0b9 boost::detail::thread_data<>::run() @ 0x3715469 thread_proxy @ 0x7f262e1efe24 start_thread @ 0x7f262df1d34c __clone
Immediately before it in the log a different thread printed:
E0221 12:36:27.557099 157280] 4145938c29f31877:6ed16e5e0000022d] channel send to failed: (fragment_instance_id=4145938c29f31877:6ed16e5e0000024c): Memory limit exceeded: Failed to allocate row batch EXCHANGE_NODE (id=189) could not allocate 8.00 KB without exceeding limit. Error occurred on backend Memory left in process limit: 12.11 GB Memory left in query limit: 541.65 MB Query(4145938c29f31877:6ed16e5e00000000): Limit=1.39 GB Reservation=704.88 MB ReservationLimit=1.11 GB OtherMemory=174.47 MB Total=879.35 MB Peak=926.55 MB Unclaimed reservations: Reservation=430.88 MB OtherMemory=0 Total=430.88 MB Peak=740.31 MB <fragment instance>: Reservation=0 OtherMemory=0 Total=0 Peak=1.59 MB SORT_NODE (id=118): Total=0 Peak=4.00 KB AGGREGATION_NODE (id=203): Reservation=0 OtherMemory=0 Total=0 Peak=81.12 KB GroupingAggregator 0: Total=0 Peak=81.12 KB EXCHANGE_NODE (id=202): Reservation=0 OtherMemory=0 Total=0 Peak=0 KrpcDeferredRpcs: Total=0 Peak=0 KrpcDataStreamSender (dst_id=204): Total=0 Peak=1.75 KB CodeGen: Total=0 Peak=1.50 MB <fragment instance>: Reservation=0 OtherMemory=0 Total=0 Peak=2.14 MB AGGREGATION_NODE (id=117): Reservation=0 OtherMemory=0 Total=0 Peak=81.12 KB GroupingAggregator 0: Total=0 Peak=81.12 KB UNION_NODE (id=0): Total=0 Peak=0 AGGREGATION_NODE (id=144): Reservation=0 OtherMemory=0 Total=0 Peak=34.12 KB GroupingAggregator 0: Total=0 Peak=34.12 KB
Logs for the crashing thread:
I0221 12:36:23.677255 157443] 3843237c92f4c6b5:b5aa170b00000092] Executing instance. instance_id=3843237c92f4c6b5:b5aa170b00000092 fragment_idx=10 per_fragment_instance_idx=7 coord_state_idx=10 #in-flight=525
The query was:
I0221 12:36:18.419795 140378] 3843237c92f4c6b5:b5aa170b00000000] Registered query query_id=3843237c92f4c6b5:b5aa170b00000000 session_id=f24bd763b83e0b5e:77f6ea4b07165d9b I0221 12:36:18.420265 140378] 3843237c92f4c6b5:b5aa170b00000000] Analyzing query: /* Mem: 218 MB. Coordinator: */ -- RESULT MISMATCH FROM ORIGINAL in DECIMAL value -- FIXED. CAST RESULT QUOTIENT TO DECIMAL(15, 4), TAKE ACTUAL RESULT AS EXPECTED select promotions,total,cast(promotions*100.00/total as decimal(15,4)) from (select sum(ss_ext_sales_price) promotions from store_sales ,store ,promotion ,date_dim ,customer ,customer_address ,item where ss_sold_date_sk = d_date_sk and ss_store_sk = s_store_sk and ss_promo_sk = p_promo_sk and ss_customer_sk= c_customer_sk and ca_address_sk = c_current_addr_sk and ss_item_sk = i_item_sk and ca_gmt_offset = -5 and i_category = 'Jewelry' and (p_channel_dmail = 'Y' or p_channel_email = 'Y' or p_channel_tv = 'Y') and s_gmt_offset = -5 and d_year = 1998 and d_moy = 1) promotional_sales, (select sum(ss_ext_sales_price) total from store_sales ,store ,date_dim ,customer ,customer_address ,item where ss_sold_date_sk = d_date_sk and ss_store_sk = s_store_sk and ss_customer_sk= c_customer_sk and ca_address_sk = c_current_addr_sk and ss_item_sk = i_item_sk and ca_gmt_offset = -5 and i_category = 'Jewelry' and s_gmt_offset = -5 and d_year = 1998 and d_moy = 1) all_sales order by promotions, total
Logs of the crashing Impala and coordinator are in IMPALA-8239-logs.tar.gz
Issue Links
- breaks
IMPALA-8251 Impala fails to start for TestExchangeDeferredBatches.test_exchange_small_buffer() under release build
- Resolved