Status: Open
Resolution: Unresolved
package-maven-plugin-1.3.4, 3.7.2
When creating a filter.xml and using its nodetype-validator, a default nodetype can be configured in case it cannot be found. The default for this is `nt:folder`, but it's possible to provide another default nodetype. Setting that to `sling:Folder` does not necessarily solve all problems, since many parent nodes could actually be something else, maybe even nt:folder, which is very restrictive.
In other words: It would be nice to be able to feed the nodetypes-validation a set of paths with their respective jcr:primaryType, so that they can be considered by the filevault validation.
It can be a simple maven-property, which can have key/value-pairs.
But maybe we would like to go a few steps further and create the possibility of having those paths and types defined in an external dependency, much like the "tccl"-statements allow to do.
Then, it would be possible to create these files per product version (i.e. AEM service pack versions or similar).