New Feature
Status: Open
Resolution: Unresolved
At the moment geosparql supports many of the old jena-spatial functions.
The jena-spatial module also had custom long/lat and also custom WKT predicates. At the moment we still use the old jena spatial module, but when the assembler file for geosparql is ready in jena 4.4, I think we can switch.
Writing an assembler which uses both jena-text and geosparql is how we've mostly used the jena-spatial module.
One remaining issue we have in our data (from external datasets), is custom long/lat predicates. Bringing support for these would be nice. I tried to look at the code, and it seems the geo:long,geo:lat are translated in
Would it work/be enough to look up/reuse the jena-spatial assembler predicates, and also loop through these pairs in the convertGeoPredicates(Dataset dataset, boolean isRemoveGeoPredicate) or should there be a new method to convert custom predicates?
This is how the old assembler looks, from the jena-site:
# custom geo predicates for 1) Latitude/Longitude Format
spatial:hasSpatialPredicatePairs (
[ spatial:latitude :latitude_1 ; spatial:longitude :longitude_1 ]
[ spatial:latitude :latitude_2 ; spatial:longitude :longitude_2 ]
) ;