TotalFetchRequestsPerSec: kafka.server:type=BrokerTopicMetrics, name=TotalFetchRequestsPerSec
Fetch:, name=RequestsPerSec, request=Fetch
FetchFollower:, name=RequestsPerSec, request=FetchFollower
I found a big difference between TotalFetchRequestsPerSec and sum of Fetch and FetchFollower Request Rate.
I don't know why topic-[2-10] has no Byte in/Out, but metric tell that TotalFetchRequestsPerSec of topic-[2-10] >0.
TotalFetchRequestsPerSec for all topic:
broker fetch and fetchFollower rate:
This is easy to reproduce, TotalFetchRequestsPerSec always more than sum of Fetch and FetchFollower rate.