Status: Open
Resolution: Unresolved
The documentation for Kafka's wire protocol does not explain how an individual implementing a client is able to figure out:
- What version of request header to use when sending messages
- What version of response header to expect when receiving messages
I've been working on writing a kafka client library, which is how I came across this problem. Here is the specific situation that surprised me. I took a pcap of the exchange that occurs when using to pull version support from a single-node Kafka 3.3.1 cluster. The entire request is:
00 00 00 2b # Length: 43 00 12 # API Key: ApiVersions (18) 00 03 # API Version: 3 00 00 00 00 # Correlation ID: 0 07 61 64 6d 69 6e 2d 31 # Client ID: admin-1 00 # Tagged fields: None 12 61 70 61 63 68 65 2d 6b 61 66 6b 61 2d 6a 61 76 61 # Client Software Name: apache-kafka-java 06 33 2e 33 2e 31 # Client Software Version: 3.3.1 00 # Tagged Fields
From the header, we can see that the request is an ApiVersions request, version 3. But how do we know about the version of the request header? The presence of the null byte (indicating a zero-length tag buffer) tells us that it's the v3 request header:
Request Header v2 => request_api_key request_api_version correlation_id client_id TAG_BUFFER request_api_key => INT16 request_api_version => INT16 correlation_id => INT32 client_id => NULLABLE_STRING
But how should anyone know that this is the right version of the request header to use? What would happen if I sent it with a v0 or v1 or v2 request header (still using a v3 ApiVersions request)? Is this even allowed? Nothing in the payload itself tells us what version the version of the request header is, so how was the server able to decode what it received. Maybe the kafka server uses backtracking to support all of the possible request header versions, but maybe it doesn't. Maybe instead, each recognized pair of api_key+api_version is mapped to a specific request header version. It's not clear without digging into the source code.
I had originally decided to ignore this issue and proceed by assuming that only the latest versions of request and response headers were ever used. But then the response from kafka for this ApiVersions request began with:
00 00 01 9f # Length: 415 00 00 00 00 # Correlation ID: 0 00 00 # Error: No error 32 # Length: 50 (number of api_version objects that follow) ...
Surprisingly, we get a v0 response header (and old version!). Here's the difference between v0 and v1:
Response Header v0 => correlation_id correlation_id => INT32 Response Header v1 => correlation_id TAG_BUFFER correlation_id => INT32
We do not see a null byte for an empty tag buffer, so we know this is v0. As someone trying to implement a client, this was surprising to me. And on the receiving end, it's no longer a "let the server figure it out with heuristics" problem. The client has to be able to figure this out. How? Backtracking? Some kind of implied mapping from api versions to response versions?
I want to understand how a client is expected to behave. I assume that over the years people have been rediscovering whatever the answer is by reading the source code and taking pcaps, but I'd like to see it spelled out plainly in the documentation. Then all future client implementers can benefit from this.
(I've attached the full pcap in case anyone wants to look through it.)