KNOX-1646 export-cert improvements need to be documented. From KNOX-1640, this needs to be added to the 1.3.0 book when it is created.
#### Certificate Export #### ##### `bin/ export-cert [--type JKS|PEM|JCEKS|PKCS12] [--help]` ##### The export-cert command exports the public certificate from the a gateway.jks keystore with the alias of gateway-identity. It will be exported to `{GATEWAY_HOME}/data/security/keystores/` with a name of `gateway-client-trust.<type>` Using the --type option you can specify which keystore type you need (default: PEM) **NOTE:** The password for the JKS, JCEKS and PKCS12 types is `changeit`. It can be changed using: `keytool -storepasswd -storetype <type> -keystore gateway-client-trust.<type>`