While testing KNOX-2624 with AliasBasedTokenStateService I figured that removing (revoking) a token ended up removing the 'token' and 'token-max' aliases but the 'token-iss' and 'token-meta' aliases remained in the credential store.
Steps to reproduce:
- start the Knox Gateway w/o changing gateway-site.xml
- generate a token on the tokengen UI
- revoke that token on the token management UI
- list the keystore content:
keytool -list -keystore data/security/keystores/__gateway-credentials.jceks -storetype jceks -storepass ***
81d9337d-ac69-427f-aefc-fb668784763e--iss, Jul 9, 2021, SecretKeyEntry, 81d9337d-ac69-427f-aefc-fb668784763e--meta, Jul 9, 2021, SecretKeyEntry, knox.token.hash.key, Jul 8, 2021, SecretKeyEntry,
Issue Links
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