We would need to enhance our GET API to accept an arbitrary list of key/value pairs as Knox token metadata. At the time of this Jira is being created, the following hard-coded metadata exists for a Knox Token:
- userName
- comment
- enabled
- passcode
The plan is to modify our TokenResource to accept query parameters starting with the ‘md_’ prefix and treat them as Knox Token Metadata. For instance:
curl -iku admin:admin-password -X GET 'https://localhost:8443/gateway/sandbox/knoxtoken/api/v1/token?md_notebookName=accountantKnoxToken&md_souldBeRemovedBy=31March2022&md_otherMeaningfuMetadata=KnoxIsCool'
When such a token is created by Knox, we should save the following metadata too:
- notebookName=accountantKnoxToken
- shouldBeRemovedBy=31March2022
- otherMeaningfulMetadata=KnoxIsCool
It’s not only Knox will be able to save these metadata, but we have to update our existing getUserTokens API endpoint to be able to fetch basic token information (see using the supplied metadata name besides the user name information.
For instance:
curl -iku admin:admin-password -X GET 'https://localhost:8443/gateway/sandbox/knoxtoken/api/v1/token/getUserTokens?userName=admin&mdName=notebookName&mdValue=accountantKnoxToken'
will return all Knox tokens where metadata with ‘notebookName’ exists and equals ‘accountantKnoxToken’.
Finally, the Token Management page should display metadata too.
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