For example as shown below the literal test-scheme://test-host:42/%7C does not match the template ://:*/| as it probably should. The test below can be added to knox-url-decode/gateway-util-urltemplate/src/test/java/org/apache/hadoop/gateway/util/urltemplate/ to help work on the issue.
@Test public void testEncodedUrlMatching() throws Exception { Template template; Template input; Matcher<String> matcher; Matcher<?>.Match match; matcher = new Matcher<String>(); template = Parser.parseTemplate( "*://*:*/example" ); matcher.add( template, "test-example" ); template = Parser.parseTemplate( "*://*:*/|" ); matcher.add( template, "test-pipe-in-path" ); template = Parser.parseTemplate( "*://*:*/test-path?{|=*}" ); matcher.add( template, "test-pipe-in-query-param-name" ); template = Parser.parseTemplate( "*://*:*/test-path?{test-param-name=*}" ); matcher.add( template, "test-pipe-in-query-param-value" ); template = Parser.parseTemplate( "*://*:*/path#|" ); matcher.add( template, "test-pipe-in-fragment" ); input = Parser.parseLiteral( "test-scheme://test-host:42/example" ); match = matcher.match( input ); assertThat( match, notNullValue() ); assertThat( (String)match.getValue(), is( "test-example" ) ); input = Parser.parseLiteral( "test-scheme://test-host:42/%7C" ); match = matcher.match( input ); assertThat( match, notNullValue() ); assertThat( (String)match.getValue(), is( "test-pipe-in-path" ) ); input = Parser.parseLiteral( "test-scheme://test-host:42/test-path?%7C=test-param-value" ); match = matcher.match( input ); assertThat( match, notNullValue() ); assertThat( (String)match.getValue(), is( "test-pipe-in-query-param-name" ) ); input = Parser.parseLiteral( "test-scheme://test-host:42/test-path?test-param-name=%7C" ); match = matcher.match( input ); assertThat( match, notNullValue() ); assertThat( (String)match.getValue(), is( "test-pipe-in-query-param-value" ) ); input = Parser.parseLiteral( "test-scheme://test-host:42/test-path#%7C" ); match = matcher.match( input ); assertThat( match, notNullValue() ); assertThat( (String)match.getValue(), is( "test-pipe-in-fragment" ) ); }
Issue Links
- duplicates
KNOX-690 URL Template matching not properly handling encoded URLs
- Closed