When I try reading Kudu table with Apache Spark using following code
import org.apache.kudu.spark.kudu._ import sqlContext.implicits._ val kuduOptions: Map[String, String] = Map( "kudu.table" -> "test_table", "kudu.master" -> "host1:7051,host2:7051,host3:7051") val kuduDF = kuduDF.registerTempTable("t") sqlContext.sql(" SELECT * FROM t where id in (1111,2222) ").show(50, false)
after completing 95% of tasks the job stucks for more than three days. The table is partitioned by date and partitions have uneven size. Table have one partition 12 Gb size, about 20 partitions with size between 1 Gb and 3 Gb and some partitions with Mb's and kb's of data.